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Trees From Above

Introducing WaterMon

By the Community, For Communities

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Water is vital for life on the blue planet.  

We believe that community contributions supported by technologies to automate water management and sanitation systems will enable optimal usage of Water. is an endeavour to create intelligent solutions for water resource management and water sanitation problems. The aim is to develop solutions that are affordable, automated and sustainable. The solutions are designed to be crowd-sourced and handled by school students and local communities, enabling them to be stakeholders in environmental management.

Effective Water quality assessment is essential for optimal Water resource management.  

We’ve open-sourced the designs, source codes to encourage all to build on these solutions, contribute to creating innovative solutions.

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Contaminant Detection

Contaminant Detection

Biological and Chemical contaminants are the main causes of unclean sanitation of water and we at watermon have developed an automated method for detection of the contaminants and develop reports of any water sample based on type, quantity and rate of spread of contaminant present in the body of water.

Device design:  

  • Built with easily available low cost components.

  • Create enclosure for colour sensor to minimise environmental factors.

  • Work without internet to provide results locally and store data for future upload to cloud.

  • Interface to enable results monitoring, calibration for each test.

Device Features:

  • Microcontroller

  • Colour Sensor to detect colour change in the ampoule.

  • Heating pad to maintain temperature.

  • Enclosure with, Borosil beaker.

  • UI to configure, calibrate

For more info visit:


Leak Detection

Water flow detection is key for inferring leakage and preventing wastage. Challenges Invasive flow meters although effective require plumbing and maintenance. Flow meters typically have moving spindles which take wear & tear over period. They can accumulate salts and result in calibration drifts.

The intent of this project is to demonstrate a non-invasive water flow detection solution capturing the variations in the vibrations on the pipe during the flow. The first objective is to detect presence of water flow and match it with rules to infer leaks based on the expected duration of water flow.

Solution Overview:

  • ESP-32 microcontroller with 6-Axis IMU mounted on the Water pipe captures the sensor readings and uploads it to MQTT broker hosted in IBM Cloud

  • ML pipeline trains on the IMU sensor readings during the flow and in no flow scenario and generates the coefficients required to classify the flow, no flow scenario

  • Node-RED Dashboard uses these coefficients to classify the flow status based on real-time sensor data.

For more info visit:

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We’d be happy to receive your ideas, implementation, contributions,  comments,  feedback and water quality metric standardization

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